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Patricia Flor, Ambassador of the European Union to Japan
Press Conference: Patricia Flor, Ambassador of the European Union to Japan | #nowar
Patricia Flor: "The Future of Japan- EU Relations"
A Close Future EU-Japan Relationship Is Key, Says EU Ambassador to Japan
EU Ambassador Patricia Flor Speaks Out About North Korean Abductions 10/15/2020
Ambassador Dr Patricia Flor
Mission Japan: The European Union
German Ambassador Patricia Hildegard Flor: China, Germany to intensify climate change cooperation
サイエンスアゴラ2020 開催によせて 駐日欧州連合特命全権大使パトリシア・フロア 様
パトリシア・フロア・次期駐日欧州連合大使 会見 2018.10.9
パトリシア・フロア駐日欧州連合大使 会見 2020.11.13
Webinar N9. COVID-19 & Connectivity 【22nd October 2020】